the inspiration blog

Posts Tagged ‘highest vision

You have a vision. There’s something beckoning to you. Are you really doing it justice? Are you stepping up to fulfill the highest version of your vision, that’s of service to the most people?

Whether it’s an event, a service you’d like to offer, or even a party you’re throwing for a loved one, let it be the complete expression of love that you hold for your dear ones and for the world. Give – and you’ll get much in return.

Note: this is different then egotistical, grandiose thinking. Simplicity is divine, and don’t seek to unnecessarily complicate things. Be aware, instead, whether you’re holding back due to a sense of lack or fear of being unsupported. This is a sign to dream and expand your thinking. Many are waiting.

Action: Think about what you’re doing these days. Choose one thing that’s especially important. Imagine how far it could go, and what would be of greatest service. Then ask the universe for assistance – as well as real people. Play full out, and make this world what you truly desire it to be.

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