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Posts Tagged ‘truth

When I first started the thread on anger, I didn’t realize there would be quite so much to say. One important element that hasn’t yet been discussed: what happens when we bottle up anger? Or, when we simply let anger stew in our system unprocessed?

  1. It suppresses the immune system. Some say it can cause certain kinds of cancer.
  2. It creates a victim mentality. Other people are to blame, and we can’t take action. (Think about how you feel when driving.)
  3. If we can’t take action, it’s actually disempowering.

To reiterate – it’s healthy and human to feel angry. It’s caused by trying to get our power back, and can be a positive motivating force. However, it’s essential to process it. Whether through…

…choose to let it be an empowering force. Don’t let it stagnate your life. Instead, take its guidance and allow it to transform your life for the better.

So now we have a fuller understanding of the difficulties and obstacles to speaking the truth, or telling to ourselves. So – solutions!


  1. Speak from your perspective, and acknowledge that it’s not The Ultimate Truth. By saying, “I feel” or “From my perspective…” it allows others to hear you better.
  2. Disconnect your truth from judgment. Remember – your “truth” is likely not a fact. By stating it cleanly and simply, it creates room for someone else to hear more.
  3. When talking to others, say what feels like the essence. There’s a difference between saying what needs to be said, and processing/thinking out loud.
  4. If you feel yourself not wanting to admit something – to someone or even to yourself – that’s a sign that you’re not in touch with the deeper meaning of things. Try writing out several possibilities of what it could mean – and look for what gives you the biggest feeling of relief.
  5. No matter what… be kind. To yourself, and to whomever else you speak.

When you have said the real deal, you’ll attract to your life what you want – and ready the way for it to come.

When we try to speak the truth, several things may happen, including:

  1. The truth can out too strongly if we feel we won’t otherwise be heard.
  2. We may not really communicate the full power of what we mean, so the other person doesn’t get it (or take our own feelings seriously enough).
  3. If we hold back and try to spare someone else’s feelings, we end up hurting them more in the end.
  4. We may have a fear of being judged. Or not heard. Or disregarded.
  5. We may worry about saying too much, or not know what is appropriate under the circumstances (and don’t want to have verbal diarrhea).
  6. And, when we try to tell ourselves the truth, we may judge ourselves or think it’s not okay to be so up front.

Part 4: Solutions.

What’s even a more troublesome situation than lying to others is when we lie to ourselves. Perhaps we try to convince ourselves that a situation is alright, when in fact it really isn’t. Whether this is a relationship, a work situation, or an aspect of your own life that you’d like to change, it’s common to simply shove these thoughts and discomfort aside. Because we’re afraid to rock the boat. Because we fear that it might take too much work to really create transformation. Because we’re afraid that We Aren’t Good Enough.

Of course, the idea that you’re not enough is the greatest self-deception. Because you’re acquiescing your own power, and choosing to not take action.

It begins, though, with simply admitting what is true – and speaking it. Yes, out loud.

Part 3: Common stumbling blocks.

What’s complex, and what’s simple? And what should be what? Here’s a thought:

Thoughts are complex. Emotions are simple, but thoughts make them feel complex. Bodily sensations, and all sense perceptions, are simple. Opinions are complex… but the truth is simple.

OK, slightly more expanded upon: the mental plane, and thinking and reasoning, can easily become convoluted and/or drawn out. A pure emotion, such as anger, joy, love, etc., is what it is. Simple. But when we start questioning whether emotions are valid, or try to justify them, it gets complex. And a bodily sensation as well as what is perceived by the other senses is simple (sure, it may be subjective to some degree, but it’s simple.)

Action: If you want to keep things simple… get out of your head. Stop thinking about what to do. Feel what’s inside and around you, and let it inform you.

Of course, we could debate this and make it more complex if you like…

Inspiration. The idea that one person can positively affect someone else. Just by reading some words.

Honestly, that makes me a little doubtful. Li’l ol’ me? Aw, shucks – really?

Perhaps I can’t say anything that you don’t already know. But it’s easy to forget, ain’t it? Because we’re surrounded by lies. That the world is out of control. That we can’t really make a difference. That we’re not enough. But isn’t the whole hell-in-a-handbasket thing getting tiresome?

I strive here to simply speak the truth. To remind you that you already have all the resources you need. And that the answer, often, is simply about getting still, and listening. No, not to me. Listen to that still, small voice. And let it grow bigger.

Oh, hi there. Thanks for dropping by. I like to cheer you up when I can – motivate, inspire, bring to life your truth.

But not in the way you’re expecting. If you’re seeking deep truth, well, there’s only one place you’ll know that it’s true for sure. And that’s inside. Sure, someone else may say something, or you may read an inspiring quote that moves you, but you’ll have to listen to your inner wisdom to know if it’s true.

See, what’s true for you may not be true for someone else. Is there One Truth? Well, maybe. But maybe we lost touch with that when we grew up. The seductive Outer World teases and tells us what we want to hear – and is happy to provide all the answers for us.

To be continued….

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